My Favorites:
1. I would spend mountains of cash on this animal if he needed help. My pets mean the world to me and I recently adopted a cat and she didn't make it. We had to give her up as she was in kidney failure days before my wedding. It was quite traumatic.
Can you blame me? Look at that face.
2. Ruffles. I LOVE anything ruffled. Clothing, home decor, wedding gowns...etc. I am getting ready to purchase what I believe to be the most gorgeous curtains I have ever seen for my spare bedroom. They aren't going to be everyones taste. Luckily they are going in MY house, not everyones. Thank you Urban Outfitters!
I can't wait to get my hands on these!! The top is all lace and the bottom is a light airy ruffle fabric. Found here . I am also a fan of gorgeous bed accessories, such as lovely ruffled pillows.
From PB Teen interestingly enough! That aqua would look awful nice on my white bedspread...As soon as Aaron takes all the nails and tools off of it. <hanging head> Thanks to Sara for sending them to me last week!
3. Animal prints! Give me leopard, give me zebra, giraffe even! I'll take it and shove it in my living room!
I saw this image on a blog I follow Hooked on Houses and I just think it's amazing.
Zebra rug in the kitchen? Whoever thought of this should get the Nobel Prize. And then come decorate MY kitchen. I love all animal print except on clothing. You can find blankets, wall art, even socks and robes at my house. But you won't see me leave the house in a leopard print dress. Perhaps the occasional understated gray and white leopard tank...that I own. You will not see me in this getup.
*Found at, for those who "must have"*
4. Lime green. I am instantly drawn to anything that is a bright lime green for accent pieces. I got a couple pieces for my wedding from Fiesta Ware in the Lemongrass color. SWOON.
This color is just so visually stimulating amongst a more plain color palette that I am drawn to it like a bear to campers. I even used it in my wedding...which many doubted would be a good choice. I think when they saw it come together, that doubt went away.
That yummy green showed up all over the place!
5. Hydrangeas and peonies. Two of the fluffiest most gorgeous flowers on planet Earth!
I took that photo last summer in Cape Cod. I think one main draw to hydrangeas is the reminder of the Cape. Which brings me to number 6!
6. Cape Cod. My family has been going to the Cape for 1-2 weeks every summer since my brother came crashing onto the Weir scene. We stay in Mashpee in the ritzy area of New Seabury. The beach is called Popponesset and it's wonderful. When I was a kid it was much more like small houses, families and pets. These days we are surrounded by mansions and wealth. But we still make due. When the beach looks like this, how can you not?
I will go to Cape Cod for the rest of my natural life if possible. There's just something about the seashells and sand and a dog with a J. Crew collar being walked nearby.
7. Pizza. If you offer me pizza, even if I'm sick as a dog, I will eat it. I don't think I need to include a picture of pizza. Use your imagination.
8. Coach bags. I am not spoiled. But I do enjoy a nice coach bag. My favorites this season are all fairly neutral which is not normal for me. Maybe my purse taste is changing?

You are all palatial and worthy of my shoulder.
9. Almost there. I hope you're enjoying all the visual aids. I will seriously re-look at this post constantly to view these images I find so very stimulating! I love Betsey Johnson. Her jewelry is fearless and unique. I constantly check her site for new ideas and things to covet!
Love her, love her clothing, adore her handbags, shoes... you name it. And the quality is there.
10. Watercolor by Edward Gordon. My parents got me hooked. Their home is filled with his prints! For my wedding they wanted a unique gift that would wow us and stay in our home forever...or be worth selling if ever need be (That's not gonna happen. Over my dead body). His art is timeless and looks so realistic I think it warrants a second glance to check it it's a photo or not.
Most of his work features a sea scape of sorts, through house windows. My wedding image was carefully chosen because it was one of his only images that doesn't include the ocean. Kind of rare and my husband and I.
""Last Light" now rests proudly over our dining room table near a large light source. Right where it belongs!
This post was one of the more difficult for me to write. I enjoy storytelling (duh) but it's harder to say "these are things I love" and narrow down to 10 things that fairly represent my tastes and styles. Side note: Yes I considered putting Jordan Knight in this, but thought better of it...oops I've said too much...
Goodnight, everyone
Why don't you wear animal prints if you love them so much? I'd bet you'd look fab wearing animal prints.