Thursday, September 29, 2011

Polyvore. Yes, please.

   I can't hold it in any longer. I'm addicted. I have an illness. My cousin Natalie introduced me to my newest weakness the other day. I sometimes think I'm blood related to HER and not, in fact, her husband (who is my 1st cousin). Bravo, Nat. Bravo.

   Polyvore is the site where all the amazing fashion bloggers I follow assemble their goodies! It's all the hats, purses, shoes, earrings, skirts, pants and blazers in ONE  place. It has an easy drag and drop tool to make you create the most amazing fashion "scenes". I added a gadget to the right ---------->
that actually shows you my latest diabolical  creative madness. I can't stop though. If you like fashion in any way shape or form...or wonder how Autumn would dress if she wasn't poor, go check me out over there! You can follow me and see what else I've done. believe me when I say there's plenty to see. Methinks I'll occasionally share my creations here as well. Addicted.

   I know, right??


  1. oh god. i can't. I'm already addicted to pinterest... I'm nervous to even go over there...
